Cdre. Zachary Taylor


Name: Zachary Taylor

Rank: Commodore (O-07)

Post: Commanding Officer

Species: Human


Height: 5'9"

Weight: 185 lbs.

Age: 47

Sex: Male

Skin Tone: Caucasian

Hair Color: Gray, short

Eye Color: Green

Build: Athletic but beginning to age

Voice: Baritone

Distinguishing Features: (None noted)


Date of Birth: SD 197401.15

Place of Birth: Northwest Louisiana, United States, Earth


Father: Professor Angus Taylor (deceased), formerly Structural Engineering instructor at Louisiana Technical College

Mother: Bessie Mae Brocc Taylor (deceased), homemaker

Spouse: Donella (died 7 years ago)

Children: Marcus Taylor, age 20, cadet at Starfleet Academy

Siblings: One brother and one sister, both younger, neither Starfleet


Captain Zachary Taylor, "Zak" to those he considers friends, was a "tough guy" back when he was a teenager, bordering on bully. He played all those tough guy sports and grew into a "jock" as he entered high school. Then he met Donella Cochran and everything changed.

Donella was a bona-fide genius and had volunteered in a tutoring program for students who were struggling with advanced subjects. Zak was having some trouble with math (mostly because he didn't try very hard) and Donella was selected to help him out.

As things go, they fell in love, but Donella didn't care for "jocks", and Zak hadn't realized he was smarter than he acted. Eventually, Zak became a "smart guy" instead of a "tough guy", and eventually graduated with honors (though he'd also lettered as the Champion Quarterback for the football team two years running).

Zak and Donella married and Zak enrolled at Starfleet Academy in the Engineering Division. Donella taught math at a nearby Junior High School and they lived in a small apartment just off campus of the Academy, and not long after (a year or so), they had their son, Marcus. After Zak's graduation from Starfleet Academy, he convinced Donella to move with him and their son aboard the USS Sirocco, a small patrol ship doing runs within the Alpha Quadrant, into small family quarters.

Zak and his small family lived happily aboard the Sirocco for several years, again with Donella teaching math to the few adolescents aboard, until Zak heard of the opportunity to transfer to Operations aboard the USS Nautilus, a cruiser working in the Beta Quadrant. He saw this as a chance to get out of "the dungeons" of the Engineering Decks and get a "gravy train" job on the Bridge.

Life was normal on the Nautilus for only a few months before tragedy struck. Donella and Marcus had taken a Holiday Season trip (Zak was unable to join them due to his duties as Chief of Operations). There was a malfunction in the navigation systems of the shuttle they were in and it crashed. Several passengers were seriously injured, Marcus among them. The pilot and Donella were killed when the forward section of the shuttle collapsed on impact. Father and son took some time to recover from injuries and grief.

But, as things do, life eventually returned to a new normal. As a single dad raising a young boy while juggling the responsibility of managing the day-to-day operations of a Starfleet Cruiser, Zak and Marcus grew closer. Soon it became obvious that Marcus seemed destined to be a Starfleet Officer in his own right, showing his mother's intelligence and his father's stubbornness.

Finally, Zak was promoted to Commander and made the Executive Officer of the Nautilus. His son enrolled in Starfleet Academy shortly thereafter. A couple years passed and Zak was offered command of the USS Darmok, the former flagship of Vice Admiral Ahrele Johannsen, and a fine reconnaissance craft. He couldn't pass on the honor.

Sometime later, the aging Darmok was finally decommissioned and Zak was given command of the Eclipse-Class USS Penumbra. Another year or so later, Zak was recognized for his leadership abilities and promoted to Commodore.


199206.01 = Graduated High School, enrolled Starfleet Academy

199306.12 = Married Donella Cochran

199405.14 = Birth of son, Marcus

199606.01 = Graduation from Academy as Ensign, assigned to USS Sirocco

199911.01 = Promotion to LtJG, Engineering Officer, USS Sirocco

200101.15 = Promotion to Lt., Engineering Officer, USS Sirocco

200610.17 = Promotion to Fst. Lt., Operations Officer, USS Nautilus

200807.12 = Promotion to Lt. Cmdr., Chief of Operations, USS Nautilus

200911.11 = Death of Donella Taylor in shuttle crash

201506.25 = Promotion to Commander, Executive Officer, USS Nautilus

201509.01 = Son, Marcus, enrolled at Starfleet Academy as Cadet in Sciences Division

201805.11 = Promotion to Captain, assigned command of USS Darmok

201903.01 = Darmok decommissioned; transfer to USS Penumbra

201906.01 = Son, Marcus Taylor, graduated Starfleet Academy with the rank of Ensign, posted as Science Officer aboard the USS Spock

202102.26 = Promoted to Commodore